“It all started with my grandmother. She loved to travel.”
Winter truffle season is upon us and to celebrate we’ve collected some great videos of Michelin-starred chefs using this most revered of gourmet ingredients in different ways.
Long hours, high pressure and facing the heat from a hot stove are common in the F&B industry, but these women show they have what it takes to power through and get to the top.
Two-Michelin-starred Restaurant Andre will close its doors permanently on Feb 14 next year.
Grouse season is now well underway so we thought we'd pick up on how some of the UK's top chefs take the opportunity to showcase this delicate game bird in their preferred grouse recipes.
Cooking fish and seafood is a process of fine margins: just a few seconds under or over on the stove and the fish is inedible. But a perfectly cooked piece of fish is a thing of wonder.
2017 has been a strange year for the mighty Michelin guide.
In the restaurant world, it can sometimes seem like Michelin stars are the be all and end all.
As part of our Michelin Chefs Cook series we previously featured a collection of videos of Michelin-starred chefs tackling eggs in different ways. But with so many videos online dedicated to this versatile ingredient we feel it’s worth another visit.
French chef Sébastian Bras has shocked the culinary world this week by returning his three Michelin stars to the world famous dining guide.