has years of experience working as a line cook, chef and now educator and his
straight to the point advice is perfect for anyone working in a kitchen.
are 15 points listed by Sorgule, 15 points to success that all line cooks
should consider while working.
kitchen profession is one of constant progression and it’s nice to have some of
the key factors in sight when planning your career.

Photo by TGSA
Know where you are
with the end game – “I want to eventually be an Executive Chef in a 4-diamonf
hotel”, or my goal is to “Own and operate a small restaurant with a focus on
traditional American cooking”. This is the carrot, this is where your dream position
resides, this is your happy place. Now the question is how to get there.
Know what you don’t
the end is defined, it will become essential to understand what skills and
aptitudes, necessary of those positions, are lacking in your repertoire. It may
be technical cooking skills and/or the ability to manage a business, lead
people, or build a concept, etc. Knowing what you don’t know is likely the most
important part of building your roadmap.
Set a path to get
is the absolute best way for you to acquire those skills or aptitudes? Who are
the best people to learn from? What is the progression that must be followed to
ensure that those skills sink in? How will you know when those skills have
become an integral part of your personal brand? It may be classes or even a
degree, or it might simply be a strategic plan to work at various restaurants,
with certain chefs or managers, and specific environments that are known for
mastery of that skill.
Stay humble and
without substance is the kiss of death for a chef. Don’t ever give up on your
roadmap, but once a skill is mastered know that there is still so much more to
learn. You aren’t there yet.
Find a mentor
may be the most important component of your roadmap. Identify the chef,
manager, or other professional in the business that cares enough to push you,
provide honest critique, help you to adjust and stay the course, and most
importantly is there to be an honest coach who will take no prisoners when you
stray from the defined course.
Pick your benchmarks
study, visit, network, and find those businesses and people whom you admire and
whom you want to emulate. What is it about these individuals or businesses that
sets them apart? Learn everything you can about them and build their methods
into your roadmap.
Create your food
philosophy and stick to it
chefs are people of principle. Great chefs have a philosophy about food that is
essential in building a brand and setting themselves apart from others. It will
be your “stakes in the ground” that make you interesting and help to push your
career forward. Your philosophy is part of your signature as a chef.
Don’t expect to learn
everything while on the clock
if you really want to stay true to your roadmap then you need to commit beyond
your posted schedule. Volunteer to help on special events where you might pick
up a new skill, sign up to participate in cooking competitions, attend
conferences and workshops, offer to come in on your day off to help the chef
with inventory, read cook books and management books, and make the commitment
to constantly improve. This is an investment in your future!
Listen and observe
who works in a restaurant has something to offer. Watch how they work, what
unique methods they use, how they interact with others, how they organize their
station. It all counts! Every observation will help you solve a problem or
complete a task at some point in your career.
Learn something new
every day
should be your daily objective. Even the smallest detail builds on your
marketability. How a person holds a knife, how he or she peels a vegetable,
organizes a work station, and prioritizes work; how a server opens a bottle of
wine, how the porter holds a mop when washing the floor – every day, learn
something new.
Be a team player
team that you want to build in the future is the same as the team that you
choose to support today as a cook. Be the team player that you want others to
be in your kitchen.
Make mistakes and
learn from them
are inevitable, frustrating, and sometimes embarrassing. It’s ok to make them –
just don’t make them again. Learn how to prevent the same mistakes in the
future and then prepare to teach others when you hold that position of chef.
Give back
I have stated in other articles – the sign of a great chef goes beyond the
quality of food that he or she is responsible for. The sign of a great chef is
one who gives back to cooks, owners, patrons, peers, the industry as a whole,
and those who may be less fortunate. Define how you want others to perceive you
by being generous.
Build your brand
resume is an outline of your brand. Your brand is how others view you and
define why anyone would want to hire you, promote you, support you, buy your
food, or work in your kitchen. Know how you want to be viewed and work to build
this brand through your daily actions.
Stay realistic
realistic means remaining patient. If you want that carrot (the chefs position)
then know that it will take time and dedication.
are not born a chef. The skills necessary to hold the position are acquired through
hard work, patience, and exceptional planning. If you really want to become a
chef – you can.