Chefs told stories of spices to The Golden Spoon judges.
From magic of Indian
movie began with a mysterious scene: seashore at night, an older and a group of
children in Indian traditional white saris murmured.
girl took turn to pray it out loud that she would save her life for spices and
would not need any love. After that, those girls walked on burnt charcoals by
their bare foot as a maturity rite.
girl would bring their knowledge and magic of spices to new lands, such as
Paris, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Hong Kong to lengthen the existing deep
story about Indian spices.
transition, one of the girls really grew up and become owner of a beautiful
huge store of groceries and spices in western America.
World Aishwarya performed excellent acts of passionate and cherish touches with
her colorful grains of spices.
stories about how spices heal wounded minds, how to cook egg plants, or how to
smash sea salt, cinnamon, and anonymous powders to treat wounds turned “the
owner of spices” into Goddess of beauty – legendary Tara.
Tilo brought many different stories about different lives in her world of
spices, where every day appeared a new spice, a new scent, a new color, and
even a new characteristic.
all, she totally fulfilled her role as Asian ambassador of spices in a new
modern world. Speeches, dances, and movie effects indirectly introduced
delicacy and the depth of a whole Asian culture of spices to audiences.

A scene in The Mistress of Spices.
To “Journeys of
Vietnamese spices”
season of The Golden Spoon is a chance for different parties to gather, such as
candidates and their fan clubs, visitors and food lovers, and a special crew
that make The Golden Spoon films.
Hanh Thuy had been a guest judge in first season and now she is the one who
directly makes The Golden Spoon’s footages.
Hanh Thuy always came couple days early with a 2-dozen-members crew to meet
candidates who had exotic menus to get more colors for her reports.
strict scripts always put aside some spaces for surprises on the way. Moreover,
she did live streams on her Facebook to pass live images of cool cooking
actions to her friends and followers.

Bitter melon salad with sesame covered cod fish and shrimps rolls, served with Thuy Bieu mulberry sauce.
my films, I want to save not only the beauty but also the lives of unique
spices that create remarkable and distinguished flavors of elite Vietnamese
cuisine”, said the director.
part of her finishes products have been published on national channels and
YouTube but the secrets of “Journeys of Vietnamese spices” have been incubated
to wait for the right time before showing to audiences all over the world.
To watch The Golden
Spoon contest:
are welcome at all official venues of The Golden Spoon contests. Moreover, we
can watch it by the followings:
Downloading The
Golden Spoon Apps:
This app is free for all smart phones and tablets running Android and iOS. Do
look for “The Golden Spoon” on your apps store.
YouTube: Besides national channels with
scheduled broadcasts, YouTube is a convenient access to watch full episodes,
short and funny clips. Do look for “The Golden Spoon Awards”.
Facebook of The
Golden Spoon:
Frequently and quickly updated all developments. Face-bookers can interact with
admins and easily watch interesting hot live streams. Do look for “Golden
face books of well-known figures, such as director Hanh Thuy, actor Ha Tri
Quang, and food artisan Bui Thi Suong also provide relevant information of the
ongoing contest.
Writer: Kien Chinh/TGTT
Translator: Thu Pham