The Golden Spoon Chef Cup 2015

Thứ tư, 09/12/2015 08:52

The trophy awarded to the winner of the Golden Spoon contest is a priceless work of art worthy of this prestigious competition.

The Golden Spoon Chef Cup represents an image of a professional chef standing on a winner’s rostrum. The Cup is manufactured by Minh Long I Co. Ltd and is awarded to the winning team in recognition of their success.

Picture: The Golden Spoon Chef Cup 2015

The Cup is a premier work of art in Vietnam. It was fired at 1360 - 1380 ° C, weighs 1.5 kg and stands 48 cm high. It is a representation of a chef standing on a platform holding a large golden spoon. The figure represented in the cup displays a confident and professional demeanor, eyes looking forward and sporting the standard outfit of a chef. The base is a solid two tier platform carrying the title "The Spoons Gold Award" in 24k gold. The most eye-catching detail is the spoon in the chef’s hands. It is 19 cm long, covered completely with gold to represent the name of the contest. Lotuses which are well known Minh Long Ceramic symbols are also beautifully engraved on the Cup.

The Cup uses a beautiful combination and great balance of colors. The glaze shines with strong cobalt blue, pristine white, modern platinum and of course luxurious gold. The overall effect is striking and elegant. Most notably is the cobalt blue, which was developed using a special formula. This is a new addition to the previous trophies.

Manufacture of the Golden Spoon Chef Cup involved months of continuous work done by the design team and experienced artisans of Minh Long I. The process goes through many different stages. In particular, firing stage is a decisive factor, because porcelain products can be distorted if baked at high temperatures. The size of the cup before and after firing typically changes by 18 to 20%. However, due to the experience of the experts at Minh Long I Co, Ltd the range of shrinkage or expansion is reduced to 15 to 16%. The Golden Spoon Chef Cup is molded as a completed piece, so the modeling requires carefully calculation to guarantee consistency. The team of designers and skilled artisans, have created a solid cup that is flawless, beautiful and elegant. It features details that are exquisitely decorated using rare metals.

The design brings together a great balance and harmony of textures. It is a worthy award that expresses the prestige of the winners. This is a priceless work of art given to only the best Chefs in the Golden Spoon Contest.

Organizing Committee

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