Winning with confidence by using healthy ingredients

Thứ bảy, 13/09/2014 00:00

With food safety a constant concern as prevalent as the bloom of water hyacinth in wet season, many people worry that after they eat they will need to see a doctor.

How can we not be afraid when Salmonella can be found in eggs or Escherichia in fish sauce paste, causing diarrhea at any time.

It is of more concern when doctors found Helicobacter pylori bacteria which can cause stomach ulcers, is difficult to heal - even with proper treatment - damaged immune system or possibly even diabetes and other diseases. Even with these occurrences, we need not always avoid food or anticipate medical assistance thereafter.

On one hand, chefs need to use ingredients that have been properly cleaned and are grown organically or naturally without pesticides. On the other, it will be a pity for both chefs and diners if recipes sacrifice usage of commonly accepted ingredients or combinations used naturally to treat the body.

• In the rice noodle soup with freshwater crab you need to include tofu because the lecithin within can block allergic reactions from the crab.

• Pineapple used normally in stewed beef or pork leg softens meat, but also breaks down the protein associated with causing joint pain.

• Dill when cooked with fish prevents allergic reaction and prevents fermentation within the intestine that is associated with lethargy after a meal.

• Turmeric is used in stir fry to inhibit phlegm and mucus, and also has anti-bacterial properties within the throat.

• Garlic is used to fight Heliobacter pylori bacteria.

• Ginger aids in the digestion of fat and lowers cholesterol.

• Onion is also anti-bacterial. As proven by German Nun Hildegard, famous for over a century thanks to her usage of herbs containing the same essential oil as mexican mint. When brewed into tea it is very effective.

More evidence comes from the medicine of Ayurveda and its study of the key elements contained within herbs and spices. Nowadays doctors can even develop new treatments based on such ingredients using a method called “fragrance treatment” which uses the smell of essential oils to adjust neurological dysfunction, endocrine levels, metabolism or even the sense of smell.

Many need not wait for scientific research, as many housewives have known for generations how to cook food with healthy properties. Food has been cooked in tandem with other dishes to ensure proper and healthy digestion.

It is a pity when most of Vietnam’s dishes rarely receive compliments about the spices used in traditional dishes. If you want to ring the bell and expect it to be head by other countries, then its sound must first touch the heart of its own people.

Doctor Hoang Le Luong

( Extracted from articles of medicine in Vietnamese dishes - dedicated only to 2014 Golden Spoon contest)

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