This advice is pertinent as cardiovascular
disease still is considered as the leading cause of mortality, despite the
medical industry making many great leaps in diagnostic techniques and treatment
facilities. It is even more paradoxical
when, since the beginning of the new millennium, serious diseases such as
stroke, myocardial infarction aren’t considered as diseases for elderly people
In recent decades, the number of deaths
recorded, increased significantly, even with young and seemingly healthy
people. For women it is far worse with the rate of mortality in the emergency
room for them increased by double compared with men.

The advice sent from the Paracelsus
workshop, named after a famous doctor, was based on two points: “any substance
absorbed into the body will be considered as good medicine can become a poison
depending on the quantity” and “there aren’t any better treatments than
applying natural rules and ultilizing natural substances. This even makes more
sense when doctors discovered the multiple functions of the omega
compounds. There are three typical
kinds: omega 3, 6 and 9 that are commonly found in fish. Hundreds of research
projects have proved the impact of this substance.
- To
adjust lipid metabolism by increasing useful fats instead of trying to reduce
harmful fats as a temporary solution
- To
keep the ideal blood balance, instead of too much imbalance as a result of
stress in your life
- To
protect the structure of the blood vessels from the effects of relentless attacks
of oxidising substances in a polluted environment, cigarettes, alcohol,
household chemicals and pharmaceutical abuse.
- To improve the
effectiveness of the immune system to detect etiology and start treatment
ultimately, instead of allowing cancer cells to get stronger.
- If you think that to have
enough omega oils you have to eat a whole kg of fish you are mistaken.
Nutrition experts have confirmed that by eating just 50gr of fish three times
per week is enough to control atherosclerosis which is the initial cause of
heart disease. If we have fish oil in our meal every day we can reduce the risk
of having ischemic heart disease by 40%; an incredible rate of prevention, even
when we use typical omega products.
- Good medicine should not
be expensive and omega is not only found in expensive fish, such as salmon and
tuna. Omega is also high in other common fish such as herring, Pompano and
anchovy etc. Normally freshwater fish don’t have so much omega but, here in
Vietnam, we are lucky to have basa fish, which contains the three typical omega
oils. Our coast and rivers are like natural drugstores.
Our country is a very long S shape with a
coastline of over 2,000 kilometers. The reason why Vietnam has high rate of
people with cardiovascular disease is because its people don’t readily get the
information that they need. Vietnam has got resources of medicine in the ocean,
but the people don’t know.
If we haven’t enough capital to make large
profits we can still make many fish dishes, which are simple yet delicious and
eye-catching. Diners will enjoy the food
and start to understand better about the words of Hippocrates, who said, “Turn
food into medicine and have dishes as have medicine.” A chef’s spoon can be as
valuable as gold.
Doctor Hoang Le Luong
( Extracted from articles
about Medicine in Vietnam Cuisine dedicated only to 2014 Golden Spoon contest)